jueves, 4 de octubre de 2007


back jonhy
i went through all space.. and..now...i´m back
i´ve seen a lot of great things...
but all alone as i was.. i couldn´t find the way to be happy
but i found a lot of others things instead
like me...
like watching
like life..happening
flowers growing
and memories
of everything i have ever seen, and missed, and known, and wanted, and loved, i cann´t let go of the memories,
all those yellow pages, and remembering... it felt kind of sad and joy..all at once... till the point that it hurt to much
i had to stop
i had to came back
i had to move on...
i had to recognize those memories at what they are...
past, lovely and hurtfull past
wondering what will come ahead now
wondering... specting... ansious... hopefull...
yes, i know... i have always had that problem, to focus in the present is very hard to me
all though i do think as myself as someone who apreciates what she has, i think that it´s never enough jonhy boy... it´s never enough...
just to know that you listen, you read this as i picture you sitting beside me watching the dark sky and all the silence within... just that.. that lets me know..that i´m not alone, and everything is great, and everything will find it´s way
like i found the way back from space
like flowers found the way to grow again

did it make sense to you like it did to me?

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...


pasa que me mataron con bardos de mexico y no pude conmigo misma, me puse de mal humor por primera vez en la historia de mi persona en esta empresa, y nada, perdí la inspiración

te estoy esperando desde las 9 am boló, donde andas?

M y S dijo...

que linda sensación cuando alguien habilita comentarios en un blog....

Paty dijo...

Cada tanto la necesidad de abrir la ventana y dejar entrar esa brisa de aire nuevo al ambiente

(o algo asi)

Words Unspoken dijo...

Simplemente me enamoré del post. Y de la pregunta que la cierra.
